Introducing Divi

Use your natural talents and strengths
for your success!

Katharina Kraenkl


Do you face a challenge and are looking for the best way to deal with it? Then rely on your strengths!

Question is: Are you aware what your individual talents and strengths are?
Gallup studies show, that the odds to meet another person with the same top 5 talents is roughly 1 in 33 million!

So if you focus on your strengths and talents, you will be able to solve your challenges in your unique way. You will be more successful and at the same time have more fun and energy at work. If you do, what you like, you will be good.

Sounds interesting? Then let´s talk how you can get there!

How to…

I am a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach and I am looking forward to exploring and analyzing your strengths with you.
You will get awareness on your unique talents and you will find your way to fully use your potential.

Start now – it´s worth it!


Continuing education is essential in a world of fast changes. That is the reason why I keep on track for you!

Certified PERMA Lead Consultant

Team Performance – ready to leverage?

Successful leaders continuously work on their personal development. Next step is to enable their teams to do so as well.
Strengthsorientated Team Performance Management Workshops are a great way to leverage individual talents towards a common goal.


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Contact me here

2 + 12 =

Katharina Kraenkl

Schliessmanngasse 18/2

1130 Wien


+43 (0) 664 303 8438